I received both of the PowerChutes! Me... Being the impatient person that I can be at times, I immediately opened it up and took it outside for a workout? I also started working my way around the neighborhood performing drop-in on different individuals. Even though this is the adult sized model, I had one six-year-old boy give it a try. His initial top bat speed was 47 mph. after swinging the PowerChute 10 times, he bumped his swing speedup to 52 mph and carried a sustained swing speed averaging 49 mph. This system forces you to properly use your body; it really helps with swing sequencing! That being said, I understood the science behind it and knew that it would work! I made the right decision... It's a great workout and the best swing training device I've ever put my hands on? Every single individual tested has experienced improved body positioning, sequencing, and performance after only a few swings! Once again... This this is for real and I'm hooked!

Christian James

You guys are awesome! I had purchased a Power Chute 360 and accidentally hit my driver on my pad. The fiberglass frame broke, I contacted you and sent a photo. Got a call back in minutes! Nice guy, great help. Received my replacement in the mail today. Not only is it a great product, but the service and support are World-class. I will be buying another very soon. Need a backup in case anything happens to this one. Keep up the great work! Manuel

Manuel Valdez

wasn’t sure if the videos I saw were real but they are. You can feel the difference after a handful of swings. Long term, you can see where this encourages the proper kinetic sequence the generate the most power. I’m not sure I’d use it as an on-deck item, but see the value as a daily routine to build a powerful swing.

Juan Guerrero

Good batting practice tool!

Marta Sherry

Hello, I recently purchased the Powerchute baseball. I coach a 9u travel baseball team based out of Clarksburg West Virginia. I must say the results are out of this world. I was wondering if you have regional representatives or dealers in my area that would help endorse your product. If not, I would love to become one if you do that sort of thing.

Steve O’Connor

Competitive senior softball player, definitely speeds up your hands. Better than the typical donut. Use it about 5 times while on deck. Bat seems to fly through the zone!

Anthony Perry

I think the value of this is to build strength. To use it like a workout tool, not for the on-deck circle. My son will swing it as hard as he can about 40 times, keeping proper form, like 4 sets of 10. I think this makes his swing a lot stronger. I don't really buy the stuff about making you hit harder in 60 seconds. Sounds gimmicky. As a coach I don't recommend weights or anything on-deck. But as a tool for building strength, I give it 5 stars, despite the high price.

Amazon customer

Son won league MVP with Batting average 826! 11y/o playing 50/70 division

Timothy F Friedrich

My son stated he felt results immediately after practicing with the Powerchute. His exvo has made improvements and he's able to get on pitches quicker. This is the most effective baseball equiptment we've purchased with proven result with continued practice.


Excellent tool

Jonathan Duncan

I like it

loren tanigawa

November 19, 2019 Been using the power chute for 2 weeks. Averaging 200 swings a wekk. I've gained 1.5-2 clubs. Will take some time to adjust to hitting bombs! As a low handicapper (3.5), the chute lets me have a controlled swing with less effort. Must have for a player at any level.

Chris Hamm

I wasn’t sure if the videos I saw were real but they are. You can feel the difference after a handful of swings. Long term, you can see where this encourages the proper kinetic sequence the generate the most power.


In only a few weeks of intermittent use (golf season is winding down in Michigan) I've already seen an increase in my distance off the tee. I played yesterday with a friend who "always" outdrove me - before. Not yesterday! Most of the time we were even and 5-6 times I was "The Man!" The powerchute is easy to attach and use. I recommend attaching it to an old driver and just leaving it attached. Those ads which show people simply amazed at their swing after using the Powerchute...that's for real! I'm really looking forward to next spring after using the Powerchute all winter 3-4 times a week!

Mike O'Donnell

I've taken a lot of lessons from a very good instructor. I know the fundamentals of a good golf swing. One thing that I struggle with is the sequence of the swing. Especially with my driver. The Powerchute is an excellent training aid for teaching proper sequencing in your golf swing. As for me, I have gained distance off the tee and I'm sure my swing speed may have increased but I feel the added distance is more from the proper sequence the aid promotes. If you struggle with this issue, I'd definitely give the Powerchute a try.

Mark Wickman

Really grooves your swing and makes you swing from the inside. You feel like you can hit the ball a mile.

Kathleen Caro

It takes some getting used to the feeling but it has added some 15 to 20 yards to my driver. Highly recommend putting it on an old driver so you don't lose time between swings. The first couple of times it did leave some of my unused back muscles a little sore. No issue after the first couple of days. The distance is a great add for a 15 handicap 67 year old retiree...more importantly the accuracy in hitting fairways is much improved and my draw is back. Warning; I started with 5 practice swings with the Powerchute, one practice swing with just my driver, and then hit 5 range balls. The second set same procedure but on my practice swing with just my driver I had to catch myself from falling forward...wasn't used to the club head getting there so quickly, it took my by surprise. It pointed out a known weakness coming over the top and the second issue is with my balance during my swing.

Amazon Customer

You don't realize that your golf swing is getting better and 2 weeks later you gained 8 yds per club. It trains you to lag properly and improves your timing. After 2 weeks, it certainly increased my swing speed but really slowed down my backswing which for me helped to hit the sweet spot more often. This training aid works as advertised, you won't be disappointed. At 60, after 2 weeks of swinging the Powerchute, I am hitting it better than I ever have, shot 74 today.


Helped to promote the power in the swing: to feel the lag of the club head behind the hands / wrists when hitting the ball. The wrists breaking after impact with the ball in the follow through of the swing.

Amazon Customer

I've swung this everyday for a couple weeks now and I can already see a difference in my club speed (I'm using a swing speed radar device). You can definitely feel the lag and the correct plane right out of the box. Can't wait until spring.

K. Honeycutt

This power chute works wonders! The design is easy to use and clip onto your driver. Once you swing with the chute on a few times you can definitely feel the difference. I added at least 10 yards to all my clubs, not solely from this training aid but this definitely helped a lot. My only advice is to not use it right before you play a round because it kills your tempo for your short irons. This is just from my experience though.


Easy to use. Unsure if it has made a difference in long term carryover of bat speed. Will have to use for a longer period of time and see what are the results.

Blaine Yoshioka

Easy to Use........ My 2 daughters love the product..

Amazon Customer

I have had this product for approximately 1 month. My son has been playing travel baseall and has a nice powerful swing however after using this product this weekend for the first time, he hit 2, 2-run homeruns and another kid hit his first homerun ever. This product in my opinion has made a very positive difference.


Good Product. This did exactly as promised. My son was raving about it. So I tried it. My bat speed increase almost made me throw the bat it was that drastic. Would recommend.

Gary R