The POWERCHUTE®  Swing, Speed and Fitness System increases muscle resistance through drag. The resistance promotes a smooth takeaway, proper balance, core strength, swing sequencing, lag, and follow through. The result is explosive power and a faster swing speed. The company's patented technology behind the POWERCHUTE® Swing, Speed and Fitness System forces the athlete's body to employ his own fast-twitch (type II) muscle fibers, which are more suited for explosive strength and power-based sports such as swinging a bat at an oncoming 90+ mph fastball, or the need to swing a golf club 95+ mph to drive a golf ball further down the fairway in order to be more competitive on the golf course. The body's fast-twitch muscle fibers will be recruited or activated only when the force demands are greater than the body's slow-twitch (type I) muscle fibers are capable of providing, as in the need and initiation of an explosive swing.


Plyometric movements are exercises in which muscles learn to exert maximum force quickly and explosively with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength). However, plyometrics alone can take several weeks, if not months, to sufficiently train the fast-twitch muscle fibers to produce the power and explosiveness needed. The physical demands created by the POWERCHUTE® Swing, Speed and Fitness System are consistent with plyometric exercises, require less time spent in training, and produce a quick lengthening of the muscles responsible for initiating the downswing, which is followed by a strong concentric or shortening of the same tissues. This will result in an increased quantity and quality of fast-twitch muscle fibers. Swinging the POWERCHUTE® for as little as 5 mins per day will produce a faster, more accurate, and more powerful swing.


That is how the POWERCHUTE® works. "It shows your body how to recruit the fast-twitch resources that enable you to swing faster.